Am GCh NZ Ch SunDiata’s Mwindaji (Oak)

Co-owned with Roz Cooper, lives in New Zealand

SunDiata Bellator Pi in the Sky x SunDiata’s Moonlight on the Lindi (12/12/17)

OFA Health Testing


GCh SunDiata’s Serendipity (Seri)

Co-owned with Chris Maxka, lives in PA

SunDiata Bellator Pi in the Sky x SunDiata’s Moonlight on the Lindi (12/12/17)

OFA Health Testing


GCh Zindika’s Memory Chaser (Cookie)

Co-owned with Chris Maxka and Cecily Rappé, lives with Adam in TX

GCHS Astarte’s Sir Tristan With Pips At Kazor x GCH Zindika’s Got Moxy (05/27/19)

OFA Health Testing


GCh Mibre’s Legacy Chloe of Sun Blue (Chloe)

Co-owned with Richard Pagan, Leo Rios, Graeme Burdon, lived with Adam in TX.

CH Walkabout’s Nirvana with Mibre x Corao N SunBlue’s Legacy of Mibre (10/20/21)

OFA Health Testing